meet the team

Get to know the friendly faces that make up the Zentient team and learn how they each contribute to the impact we're having in the not-for-profit sector.

our executive
the faces behind zentient
The Zentient executive is responsible for the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that clients and team members are well-looked after. They are also in charge of putting in place the governance mechanisms and structures required to safeguard our commitment to our purpose, our people and our planet.
James Audcent
Finding himself increasingly involved in WA’s not-for-profit and innovation sectors, James is driven by a burning desire to build commercial resilience in our local organisations. By building mature digital cultures, he helps these NFPs do more good, with less.
Steven Hodsgkin
Steven loves problem-solving in collaborative and diverse environments. Delivering at the intersection of people and technology, he seeks purposeful work with human connection, especially where that empowers others and alleviates suffering.
Damon Miles
Damon has a wide range of experience spanning from small to large non-profits, ASX-listed companies and law firms in Australia and abroad. Having worked with non-profits for years, he is dedicated to providing positive service and change to the industry.
Tallulah Chong
Tallulah is a passionate social change advocate who is dedicated to enhancing wellbeing. Her NFP experience and knowledge in community development and service design helps her innovate and collaborate with others to drive sustainable change.
Angela Ho
Honorary Co-Founder
As an Honorary Co-Founder, we recognise the profound contribution Angela has made to shaping Zentient during her time with us in 2022. As our first VP People, she can be credited with crafting a remarkable working culture, implementing a pioneering recruitment process and championing our cause.
our collective
our talented team
The Zentient collective is our network of highly skilled partners, architects, site managers and tradies, who work together to get the job done. With eclectic and diverse range of personalities and skill sets, we can build the perfect team for your organisation.
Michael Eva
As a result of working in many different roles in many industries, Michael considers himself a generalist who loves working with and collaborating with smart people to create elegant and simple solutions. Michael’s passion is finding a solution which reduces as much administration work as possible while increasing the efficiency of the process.


see yourself here?

We’re always on the lookout for people that share our passion for building our local communities better through technology.